Partido Solidario

Partido solidario Just as we have done during the last few years – with a very good response from the generous members of the Madrid Reds – this year we will also collect food (and more) for Aaqua, in Triskel, on the dates indicated on the poster. They recommend that we lean more towards prepared…

R.I.P. Mode

Modesto made an impression on everyone who met him. Kind, funny, larger than life, and generous, his tragic death at the age of 50 will leave a huge hole in the lives of his wife, children, family and friends. Mode would have hated a huge fuss, would have hated loads of flowers, so his family…

D.E.P. Mode

Modesto, de muchas maneras, sacudió nuestra existencia a todos los que le conocimos. Amable, divertido, con un corazón más grande que su propia vida y, sobre todo, generoso. Su desventurada muerte con tan solo 50 años deja un enorme vacío en la vida de su esposa, hijos, familiares y amigos. A Mode no le hubiera…